Aug 21, 2014

On flying

My birthday is coming up next month (in 39 days) and I have this itch to just pack up and go out of the country for just a day. Literally. I'd leave on the 29th and be back for a quick birthday dinner on the 30th. Simple, right?

I have a lot of places on my list but I have a feeling I could do Singapore or Tokyo by myself. I would love to visit all the bookstores and art shops there and just basically walk everywhere. I need to check though if I can be able to pick something up other than photographs from each place because hello sad empty crying wallet but I guess postcards will be enough to keep me sane/sated.

While there's certainly too many things to do for the day (get done with this interview, finish the textbook, create a social media calendar for the pride march, meet and plan the next issue of FEIST, schedule tweets for the weekend for work, smoke, drink with friends later, oh and I forgot EAT omg I keep forgetting I have to feed myself), I can't stop myself from daydreaming about a solo getaway.

I wonder what I'll be writing about by then.