Aug 30, 2005


wouldn't it be nice if we were lying
and there wasn't anyone around
(sung to the tune of wouldn't it be nice by drew b.)

haha!!!!! another one of those days we spend crumpling our already crumpled uniforms and thinking of absolutely absurd stuff that just makes us laugh out real loud (sa lrt pa partida...kahiya no?)...anyways...he just surprised me for like thrice today...first with the letter then with the lollipop then with the box of samba, fruitella and (of course!!) lollipop...i just could not help but smile and float my way up our MA101 classroom...that was the fifth floor, mind you guys...and i did not complain a was pure bliss.

...wait. not really.


don't you just hate it when everything seems so okay at the beginning but then just comes out worse in the end no matter how hard you try to control it? that is just what always happens at home.wait let me rephrase that: that is just what always happen at our house. i mean, i swear no matter what good thing comes our way, or her way, everything just ends sourly in the end.

it's overly frustrating and just downright tiring.


so thankful you're here
grateful for the love you give
appreciative of your mere presence.

this was part of the surprise letter he gave me earlier:

Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am home again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am whole again

Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am young again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am fun again

*However far away, I will always love you
However long i stay, I will always love you
Whatever words I say, I will always love you
I will always love you

Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am free again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am clean again
