Dec 22, 2004

wednesday morning part2

well i was able to sleep...but when i woke up i got so cranky...i just missed one misa de gallo...i was suppossed to wake up at 4...i set the alarm at 3.30...but the stupid thing just didn't ring...grr..

anyways i was able to sleep earlier but now before i caught sight of frndster accounts of kadas that i knew...i checked the accounts and became quite nostalgic...i remembered how my life was back in high school..i remembered trips to the 2nd yr wing(hehe)...i remembered my kada...

aww i miss those guys...i don't have any contact with them now, except for mami azhe whose calls i look forward rhia whose trips to complex i seem to always mancx through chatting over at yahoo...and to sam, through friendster...gawd..i haven't realized how important tech is for's what keeps us at bay...

oh i remember...rhia is planning a some sort-of post-xmas get-together...i wish everybody would be looking forward to it...