it was the day the snow started to fall... and it was only hours away before my window gets so misted i wouldn't be able to see the going-ons outside.
okay. that was wishful thinking. but i just was still wondering how it would be if it really snowed in our country. i mean, wow! instead of the overwhelming trash we always see scattered on out little streets, it will be snow! it will be filled with tiny white pieces of ice! well okay the trash will just be buried underneath that but still, right?
i don't know but i have this obsession with snow during the holidays. i mean, aside from the carolelrs and the blinking houses because of their twinkling lights all over the walls, it was the white snow on the rockefeller plaza on the today show on etc that makes me feel that truly, it IS the holidays already! time for simbang gabi and bibingka and goto or lugaw.
speaking of simbang gabi, i was,again (ehem), able to complete those nine morning masses. plus, iw as with my boyfriend the whole time so it made the going-to-church a whole different experience from last year. i love you so much bading.
so there. today is the start of classes nga pala. CONDOLENCE to all those who really hate going to school and attending their subjects with mean professors who to be honest really just makes them sleep. but hey, why do some people altogether despise going to school? i love going to school! seriously. and not just because of the allowance. really.
belated happy new year everbody!