Apr 23, 2006


You Belong in London

A little old fashioned, and a little modern.
A little traditional, and a little bit punk rock.
A unique woman like you needs a city that offers everything.
No wonder you and London will get along so well.

Start Hunting For That New Apartment

You two are ready to live together - and probably have been for a while
You're a perfect match, even if you don't agree on everything
What's important is compromise... a skill you and your guy have mastered
So head out to Bed, Bath, and Beyond. It's time for your new life together!


You Should Be With a Water Sign!

Your best match is a Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces

Why? You crave intimacy and connection in your relationship
And while most guys can't open up enough for you, a Water Sign can
Not that you're whole relationship will be soul gazing
A Water Sign matches your goofy sense of humor - and desire to help others.

Your Ideal Marriage Proposal Is

After dinner at your favorite restaurant, at the spot where you first kissed.


You Are a Natural Beauty!

You're the kind of beauty that every guy dreams about...
One that looks good in the morning - without a stich of makeup
That's doesn't mean you're a total hippie chic though
You have style, but for you, style is effortless

Your Scent is Mango

Sultry, sweet, and mellow
You enjoy every moment of life!

You Are Psyche!

Eternally in search of purpose and insight.
You're curious and creative with a total sense of wonder.
Totally empathetic, you pick up on other's moods easily.
Just be sure to pamper yourself as well!

You are a Lavender Rose

You represent love at first sight and enchantment.

Your vibe: intense and intriguing

Falling in love with you is: deep and meaningful

You Are An Independent Girlfriend!

Whoa, Ms. Independent! Your guy digs your modern style...
But he's sometimes left to wonder if you really like him.
Keep that unique spirit, but show him your love a bit more often.
No worries - you're light years away from smothering him!

You are a No Drama Mama!

No need for drama, you just chill out and don't let things bother you
You've got a peaceful, zen-like attitude... even when things get crazy
You're a pleasure to be around, and you have lots of friends to show for it
You don't need to be the center of attention, you're happy enough as is!

Apr 21, 2006



Your Love Element Is Earth

In love, you have consistency and integrity.
For you, love is all about staying grounded and centered.

You attract others with your zest for life and experiences.
Your flirting style is defined by setting the scene, creating a unique moment in time.

Steady progress and stability are the cornerstones of your love life.
You may take things too slowly, but you never put your heart at risk.

You connect best with: Fire

Avoid: Wood

You and another Earth element: need each other too much to build a good foundation

How You Life Your Life

You seem to be straight forward, but you keep a lot inside.
You're laid back and chill, but sometimes you care too much about what others think.
You prefer a variety of friends and tend to change friends quickly.
You tend to dream big, but you worry that your dreams aren't attainable.

Your Love Element Is Metal

In love, you inspire and respect your partner.
For you, love is all about fusing together for one incredible life experience.

You attract others with wit and a bit of flash.
Your flirting style is defined by making others want and value you.

Greatness and optimism are the cornerstones of your love life.
You may let go too easily, but you never get weighed down by your past.

You connect best with: Earth

Avoid: Fire

You and another Metal element: will control and smother each other

How You Are In Love

You take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time.

You tend to give more than take in relationships.

You need your space and privacy. You don't like to be smothered.

You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change.

You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard.

Your World View

You are a fairly broadminded romantic and reasonably content.
You value kindness and try to live by your ideals.
You have strong need for security, which may be either emotional or material.

You respect truth and are flexible.
You like people, and they can readily make friends with you.
You are not very adventurous, but this does not bother you.

galing kay ate hanna

You Should Be A Poet

You craft words well, in creative and unexpected ways.
And you have a great talent for evoking beautiful imagery...
Or describing the most intense heartbreak ever.
You're already naturally a poet, even if you've never written a poem.

Your Hair Should Be Blue

Wild, brilliant, and out of control.
You're a risk taker with an eye to the future.

Apr 17, 2006

liar liar to such joy!

ok. i just lied and told my parents i had work today but then i had none. so there.


i wanted so much to write all the poems (well, the lines) suddenly rushing out of my whole system but then the computer where i was in front of had a lousy keypad that might make my mattie wake up with its loud loud clink,clank. oh by the way he was actually sleeping at my lap that time. so anyway all those poems (lines) had disappeared just like that. hai hai.

oh by the way its already monday morning and i haven't slept and in a few hours matt and i are to go to the university belt and get my tcg from ue. we're also going to divisoria (i think) to buy me some me-clothes. yay! uhh..that was just wishful thinking but let's see.

so as of now ate makris and i are talking about this utterly UGH guy that totally pisses us all off. he desperately had to sabotage all the computers here just to get back at the attendants-in-charge. eew.


about work again. oh i already have my work. i mean not work work exactly but work. i mean, we're just trainees and we still ahve to prove that we can actually make sales and stuff so there. hopefully we get in, no?

the compensation isn't that low or such soaring high but just enough for two eighteeners who are just trying to pay off some of the bills at home and having their fair share of solo time-s. wait. im the only one who's working so as to pay the bills off and he's working to have his phone swapped to 3g. nice, no?


anyway, i was able to post in my blog again! such joy!